賢昇科技 KENSHO:首頁

Non-Silicone Thermal Grease
Epoxyset non-silicone thermal greases (TG-) are a series of metal-oxide-filled﹐ silicone-free synthetic grease specially formulated to enhance heat transfer across the interface between the semiconductor case and the heatsink.Epoxyset TG series of non-silicone greases do not exhibit migration or contamination. With almost no-bleed﹐ TG thermal greases are high-performance compounds that will not dry out﹐ harden﹐ melt﹐ or run﹐ even after long-term continuous exposure to temperatures up to 250°C.

環氧非矽酮導熱矽脂(TG-)是一系列金屬氧化物填充的不含矽酮的合成潤滑脂,專門配製用於增強半導體外殼與散熱器之間的界面傳熱。不會出現遷移或污染。 TG導熱油脂幾乎不滲出,是即使長期連續暴露在最高250°C的溫度下也不會變乾,硬化,熔化或流淌的高性能化合物。