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Micron Flip-Chip DIE BONDERS
MRSI-705 5-MICRON FLIP-CHIP DIE BONDER - 5微米覆晶黏晶機The MRSI-705 5-Micron Die Bonder sets the mark for high-precision﹐ high-speed component assembly. Engineered for manufacturing robustness﹐ the MRSI-705 is a flexible configurable platform﹐ with the largest installed base in the industry in advanced packaging. Applications are found across a wide range of market segments﹐ such as life & health sciences﹐ aerospace﹐ defense﹐ automotive﹐ lighting﹐ communications﹐ and more.
The MRSI-705 is built to meet the highest standards of reliability and dependability. It starts with an award-winning﹐ industry standard platform with a day-in/day-out accuracy of 5 microns﹔ achieved by leveraging the platform’s signature design features:
 A solid granite platform supports the placement head from above﹐ so that no mechanisms are cantilevered. All of this makes the MRSI-705 thermally and mechanically stable with extremely fast settling times and +/- 5 microns or better placement accuracy﹐ a requirement for critical applications.
 Minimized number of moving mechanical parts.
 The major system X Y axes use zero force﹐ ironless﹐ actively cooled linear motors with high resolution linear encoders. Encoder scales have 0.1-micron resolution for fast﹐ precise﹐ closed-loop positioning. The linear motors deliver faster speeds (acceleration﹐ deceleration and velocity)﹐ with better settling times and overall smoother motion.
• Reliability is enhanced through the use of advanced air-bearing technology in the Z axis.
The MRSI-705 produces the following compelling business outcomes for customers:
 Strongest ROIs in the industry – A well-established platform with an unmatched Cost of Ownership. Lifts up overall production efficiency.
 Extended Machine Lifetime – Exceptional performance over time. Upgrade paths as new features are introduced.
 Proven Manufacturing Readiness – A work horse with minimum downtime. Compelling reliability.
 Configurable Asset – The MRSI-705 is an open platform that adapts to changing portfolios. Can handle complex multi-chip modules and other advanced assembly challenges with ease.

New Configuration for Higher Volume
The MRSI-705 offers an optional turret configuration to significantly increase the production volume from our machine without sacrificing flexibility. This feature delivers an “on-the-fly” tool change with up to 12 tools with zero tool changeover downtime. This leads to increased machine efficiency﹐ higher output and lower manufacturing costs. Applications include complex products with multiple chips and processes that require processing of chips with different sizes or epoxy stamping processes﹐ which can significantly improve equipment efficiency.

MRSI-705HF High Force
The MRSI-705HF is equipped with a heated bond head that can apply up to 500N of force during the bonding process﹐ while providing heating up to 400°C from the top. It is the ideal tool for advanced applications such as sintering for power semiconductors and thermocompression bonding for IC packaging. Sintering is a heat-treatment process that gives greater strength﹐ integrity﹐ and conductivity to the bond and is considered the most reliable technology for connecting components in power electronics. Thermocompression bonding is a technique that uses high temperature and pressure to create strong and reliable interconnections between dies and substrates.

MRSI-705 5微米覆晶黏晶機為高精度、高速度元件裝配樹立了標杆。MRSI-705專為製造的穩定性而設計,同時是一款可進行靈活配置的平臺,在先進封裝行業內具有最大的安裝平臺。其應用廣泛分佈於各個市場領域,例如生命與健康科學、航空航太、國防、汽車、照明、通信等。

MRSI-705 的建造滿足穩定性和可靠性的最高標準。首先,它擁有一個屢獲殊榮、被奉為行業標準的平臺,其長期精度為 5 微米,這一精度的實現得益於該平臺的標誌性設計特徵:

貼放頭安裝于上方的實心花崗岩平臺上,因此不存在懸臂部件。這些令MRSI-705獲得了熱穩定性及機械穩定性,設置時間極快並達到 +/- 5 微米或更高的貼放精度,從而滿足了關鍵應用的要求。
通過在 Z 軸上使用先進的空氣軸承技術提高了可靠性。

MRSI-705 為客戶帶來以下令人信服的業務成果:
 行業內最強的投資回報率 – 無可比擬的低持有成本、成熟完善的平臺。提高整體生產效率。
 機器壽命延長 –長期保持卓越性能。升級引入新的功能特性。
 得到驗證的生產準備時間 – 全力生產且停機時間最短。令人信服的可靠性。
 可自由配置的資產 – MRSI-705 是一個開放平臺,適應於各種不同組合。可以輕鬆處理複雜的多晶片模組和其他高級組裝任務。


MRSI-705HF High Force
MRSI-705HF配備了一個帶加熱的焊接頭,可以在鍵合過程中施加高達 500N 的力,同時從頂部提供400°C加熱。它是先進封裝應用的理想工具,例如功率半導體的燒結和IC封裝的熱壓鍵合等。燒結是一種熱處理工藝,可為晶片鍵合提供更高的強度,完整性和導電性,被認為是電力電子元件鍵合的最可靠技術。熱壓鍵合是一種利用高溫和高壓在晶片和襯底之間建立牢固可靠互連的技術。