賢昇科技向來秉持者 "以優良的服務品質, 來滿足客戶的高度需求 " 為目標,並本著誠信原則,凝聚全體員工之高度共識與向心力,追求踏實而穩健的成長願景。
Shyan Sheng HiTech Co., Ltd. was founded in 1986, as a distributor of factory automation, machinery and components from overseas to help customers achieve automation, reduce costs and improve production efficiency.
The foundation of the remarkable sales was established throughout the years. With the development of the technology industries, various high-tech production and inspection equipment is introduced.
Shyan Sheng HiTech always perceives "excellent quality of service to meet customers' high demand" as a goal. Along with the principle of integrity, Shyan Sheng HiTech unites high degree of consensus and solidarity of all employees, and pursuits the vision of practical and steady growth.